At what age is masturbation normal?
Any age is “normal” for masturbation. Very young children find and explore their genitals. At times, small girls will masturbate to orgasm. Some girls masturbate at puberty, and some when they are adults. Fewer girls masturbate than boys. It is normal for a woman to masturbate even when she is in a satisfying sexual relationship. A third or more of all women and men over the age of 70 masturbate.

Is there a G spot, and if so, how do I find mine?
The G spot is a small area of tissue (possibly erectile tissue similar to nipples or the clitoris) located on the front/upper wall of the vagina between the opening and the cervix. It appears to enlarge and become highly sensitive in response to direct sexual stimulation.

Why does it seem easy to orgasm from clitoral stimulation but so hard from intercourse alone?
Even though sexual intercourse can be very arousing and satisfying in itself, many or even most women do not orgasm from the stimulation of intercourse alone. This is because neither the clitoris nor the G spot typically receives stimulation that is sustained and intense enough for orgasm.

Are all women capable of having multiple orgasms?
No, nor should this be considered the premiere standard of sexual responsiveness. Some women are so physically sensitive after an orgasm that further stimulation can be uncomfortable rather than pleasurable. Some women are very satisfied with one orgasm, and some women are very satisfied without orgasm during sexual activity.

Does exercise have any sexual benefits?
Yes. Exercise serves as an “on switch” for hormones. It increases energy and self-esteem. Improved pelvic muscle tone enhances orgasms and sexual response.

What if one partner wants sex a lot more than the other?
First, it’s important to acknowledge that two people can have normal sex drives that differ dramatically. There are many reasons why two people may differ in how frequently they want to have sex. The discrepancy may be just one more example of the normal differences that can exist between people. It may be due to fluctuations that occur in time and circumstances. It may be due to problems in the relationship. It may be the result of one partner having a greater need for reassurance or for distance. Having sex with your partner out of a sense of obligation is not the answer-resentment will surely be the long-term result. Likewise, shaming and trying to make the partner with the less-intense sex drive feel guilty will inevitably create tension in the relationship. Solutions vary according to the cause, but for starters it is important to remember that any disagreement, whether it involves sex, money, in-laws, or parenting, can be better handled when the communication is marked by honesty, sensitivity, and mutual respect.